Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Do the Work" by Steve Pressfield

"Do The Work"
By Steven Pressfield, 2011
ISBN # 978-1-936719-01-3

What a great book!

How many people go through life saying (or thinking) "I coulda done that.." as they manufacture excuse after excuse for races not run...articles not written...careers not pursued...or dreams unfulfilled. The road to ennui is filled with these folks; isn't there a better way to live?

Yes there is - and "Do The Work" is your roadmap to it.

It's really simple, best-selling author Steve Pressfield explains, "a child has no trouble believing the unbelieveable, nor does the genius or madman...it's only you and I, with our big brains and tiny hearts, who doubt and overthink and hesitate." Listen to your dream, he writes, and work hard to beat "resistance" and "rational thought.," that inner voice that calmly explains why you can't write a kick-ass article or run a personal best on a windy day.

Get out there before you're prepared, Pressfield advises "we show huevos. Or blood heats up. Courage begets more courage. The gods, witnessing our boldness, look on in approval"

He's correct - sometimes you've just got walk to the starting line, look the world in the eye, and say "F/U - catch me." Thanks for writing this; now I've got the moto to BELIEVE that the rest of the world is wrong and I can achieve my dream - or my dream until I reach for the next big one...

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